
  We have been doing this for five weeks now. We get up, have breakfast, you have a zoom meeting with your tutor or start on your slides for school, I try to get in a few emails and zoom meetings of my own. Because construction is considered essential my work hasn’t slowed down, but … More Eight


It’s a virus, but also, it’s a portal. We’re in it now. We don’t know what life will be like on the other side. It could be different – better. It could be all the injustice and inequality is laid bare in a way that cannot be forgotten. Like seeing the pasty, sagging flesh of … More Covid-19

Spring Break, 2020

I should have known that things were bad when Mimi and Gramps insisted that they weren’t.  “Why is everything a conspiracy with you?” I shouted into my car’s Bluetooth, embarrassed at how forcefully it came out and that the car next to me at the light could probably hear everything. Usually, I know better. But … More Spring Break, 2020

Dog Days

The dog days are always when things feel like they might break. Through maybe or more likely down. The heat is just building, building. Not even hope of a hurricane.  A week ago you started school, kindergarten for a second time. Your first day picture is you nervous, uncertain, but definitely wanting it to go … More Dog Days

Travelers, Day 8

It’s July, and I still haven’t written about Paris. The time just isn’t there. So many things to write and say each day, instead every night I fall down exhausted. But you still talk about it, ask about it – Mama, can we go back to Paris again? When? We are wasting our lives not … More Travelers, Day 8

Travelers, Day 3

We slept in and it was raining so it seemed like a good day to go to the aquarium. Arlo ran from one tank to another yelling “mama, mama, look!” Coral and anemones and eels. The big tanks with the sharks and rays were shaped like a tunnel so you could walk under the swimming … More Travelers, Day 3

Travelers, Day 1/2

The airplane ride was simple, and Arlo even slept a good bit. He loved that there were pillows and blankets for each passenger. He said it was like we lived on the airplanes, and when the food came he was over the moon. I didn’t sleep though, just a little anxious and sweating through my … More Travelers, Day 1/2


When I started this post, we’d just gotten to the dog days. Now it’s October. So much has happened in such a short time I can’t process fast enough to come up with thoughts so I don’t write at all. We’ve been in the dog days, getting you (and me) ready for kindergarten. It started … More Eclipse/5.5

On Leaving

When I was pregnant I wrote to you all the time. I wanted you to understand the zeitgeist of your gestation, the amniotic fluid of the external world that I was floating in. 2011: Year of the killer drought and the Bastrop fires and Frank-Dodd. I wrote about Occupy Wall Street and Anonymous and the … More On Leaving